Exclusive Interview: Getting to Know PAZ at Shaky Beats 2019
PAZ performing at Shaky Beats Festival 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia. Photo courtesy of Alive Coverage.
Paz Dylan is an EDM producer and DJ that is quickly rising through the ranks of the EDM scene. Within the past year, he has performed at Coachella, Decadence Arizona, EDC, and now Shaky Beats in Atlanta, Georgia. His 8-bit meets trap sound has catapulted him straight into the lime-light of the festival circuit and he clearly shows no signs of stopping now. His latest release “Fall Back to You” and “Wildside” mixed with his highly energetic personality have landed him on many main stages across the nation in the blink of an eye. Kade had an opportunity to sit down and get to know PAZ a little better at the Shaky Beats Music Festival (2019) - find out what he had to say below .
KADE: PAZ, you just came to the stage and opened up Shaky Beats 2019. You brought over-the-top energy and a wicked performance. What's your pre-show ritual that gets you hyped up to bring over-the-top energy to be the very first performance of the weekend?
PAZ: What pre-show ritual do I have? Oh man, this is about to be so disappointing. I don’t know if I have any pre-show rituals... umm, I would love to say I do something crazy like scream or like sacrifice a goat. Hmm..Maybe I should start sacrificing goats, maybe the show would go well?
KADE: Haha - Maybe! Maybe it could take your set to a whole different level of crazy.
PAZ crowd surfing a Aura Nightclub in California.
PAZ: Honestly, I think I am just that naturally excited to play shows. I have played so many shows for almost no people that getting to play a set at a festival where I have always wanted to play just gets me super hyped up. Also - coming from being a raver - I have the most fun when the DJ on stage is having a good time. And I ALWAYS! Have a fucking good time!
KADE: That’s a very good point. Personally, I feel it’s not a good show unless the DJ on stage is a performer and you were definitely a performer.
PAZ: Thank you!
KADE: No problem. When it comes to your tunes, you have a very unique 8-bit meets trap sound - can you tell us a little bit about the inspiration behind your vibe?
PAZ: I draw inspiration from a lot of different places. I love bass music. There are certain artists that I have always gravitated towards. I love Seven Lions. I love Modestep. And I actually really love old punk bands. I listen to a lot of old punk. It’s a combination of beautiful and destructive and high energy... and again having seen so many sets as a raver I get inspired by watching other artists.
KADE: So, just out of curiosity, what are some old punk bands that you listen to ?
PAZ: I love Pennywise. I love Rancid. I love AFI - not sure if they’re still technically punk though?
KADE: Oh, they’re definitely still punk!
PAZ: Cool! I’ll take it! I even love pop-punk . I love Fall Out Boy, The Academy Is, A Day to Remember...Honestly - I love everything from old school punk to newer more emo punk. I love it all just because it is so high energy. I just love high energy music with melodies and a touch of aggression.
KADE: With your latest releases "Fall Back to You" & "Wildside" , your popularity in the EDM scene has spread like wild fire. You've made it into the mainstream festival circuit with sets at Coachella, Ubbi Dubbi, and now Shaky Beats, but what about a PAZ headlining tour? Would that be a possibility in the near future?
PAZ: Let’s fucking do THAT! HAHA! I think that’s coming soon. If it were up to me, I would be doing that right now. But it is in the works and is coming soon... as soon as it is ready to happen , I am ready to do it. I can’t stress enough how much I just love playing music and I’ll do anything to get out and perform. It’s my favorite thing to do.
KADE : As your fanbase is expanding and you're making your way through the circuit, are there any fellow artists that you hope to collaborate with in the future?
PAZ: There’s a lot...There’s a lot of people who I have always admired and wanted to sit down and collaborate with. Mainly just to see how their minds work. Like I said I LOVE Seven Lions. He’s amazing. I don’t think he has ever made a song I didn’t like and personally I think it would be pretty crazy to work with him. And Martin Garrix - I would love to just sit down with him and work with him as a producer. Even though he doesn’t make the same type of music I do, I would love to see what his approach to bass music would be. He’s definitely done work with bass music producers in the past... I would just love to see what he brings to the table.
KADE: Your rise through the ranks in the EDM scene has been fairly quick over the past year, but what do you see for yourself and your career within the next five years? A few LPs, a couple albums, maybe a fully PAZ-orchestrated festival ?
PAZ performing at Decadence Arizona.
PAZ: A PAZ FESTIVAL? Holy shit! That would either be the scariest thing ever or the most exciting place on earth. There would be lions and tigers and taco cannons! I would go to this festival. I highly reccommnd the PAZ Festival that doesn’t exist yet. It would either be the most amazing festival ever or a total disaster and either way you would definitely want to be there.
KADE: I mean, hey, I would buy tickets.
PAZ: And all the tacos would be free.
KADE: Then yeah- I’m definitely buying tickets.
PAZ: It would be a main stage, a side stage, and then a taco buffet that connects the two. That may be the first time I have ever thought about my own festival. I know I have always thought about what my headlining show would look like, but never a festival. It would definitely have a lot of crazy things happening all at the same time. I think if I curated a festival, I would put a focus on picking DJ’s who play high energy sets. I would only pick true performers for the lineup. No DJ’s that don’t look like they’re having the time of their lives on stage...it would be a true for ravers by ravers festival.
KADE: So finally, what inspired you to bring the Sponge Bob theme song into your set?
PAZ: HAHA! I think it was complete nostalgia honestly. Nostalgia is one of the strongest triggers for emotions. No matter the person- that song just brings back nostalgic memories and so many emotions. No matter if you’re into house or bass music, if you’re black or white, gay or straight we all share connections to certain things. And Sponge Bob is one of those things! You could see a huge dude who was laying people out in a pit five minutes ago and now he’s screaming Sponge Bob at the top of his lungs... it’s a beautiful thing!
KADE: I definitely agree. That was one of the most fun moments of your set.
PAZ: I think that’s one of the most fun edits I have ever made. When you’re willing to make your own edits you can put Spongebob in your set! I am so glad I spent all that time mixing those because I get to see the happiness on everyone's faces when I drop it. And I enjoy it.
KADE: Thank you PAZ. Your set was awesome and you had so much energy… I am looking forward to watching your career unfold over the next few years. Thank you for taking the time to sit down with Concert Hopper.
PAZ: No, thank you guys! I had a blast playing my set today.