Watch This Video: Johnny Polygon's Purple Mess

Johnny Polygon is my new favorite rapper. Seriously, I know all the lines of "Limosexsuperstar." I discovered his music after seeing on him on the Fly Free Fest lineup a few months before the festival and I've been listening ever since.  His set was one of the ones I was most excited to see. His performance at FFF was on point and he walked away with many new fans. I was lucky enough to meet him after his set and beg him to come to Chattanooga. Then later Johnny Polygon and his girlfriend/manager were standing next to me during the Rubblebucket set and they were talking to a guy who gave us each a smashed penny from the train track by the festival site. I know that story just sounded like I was telling you guys about a weird dream, but it happened. I still have the penny.

ANYWAY I just watching his new video for Purple Mess and nearly screamed when I spotted the Chattanooga Whiskey bottle. Side note, Chattanooga Whiskey was a FFF sponsor and it's good whiskey. Drink it.

Can we take this as a sign that Johnny Polygon will be grace Chattanooga with his presence soon?

Now watch the video, a post apocalyptic love story.
Johnny, dear get to Chattanooga and I'll give you all the whiskey you can handle.