Mixtape Monday on a Tuesday Night

Sometimes the Blog Manager comes down with a cold and "Mixtape Monday" becomes "Mixtape Tuesday Night". It happens. I know, I know Summer colds are the worst. I will say this playlist by contributing writer, Donny Aird did improve my mood. Oh and if you don’t stop whatever you’re doing to dance to "Heads Will Roll", well… we just can’t be friends. Now on to Donny’s mixtape…

I was asked to put together a playlist. I had a feeling it would be tough because I love many different styles of music.  I decided to build a playlist of some of my favorite songs.  Each song is special to me for a different reason.  Some of the songs bring me right back to a place and time in my life that changed me as a person.  Some of the songs helped shape who I am as a music fan.  A few of the songs are just cool and make me feel like dancing.  I was going to write a bit about each song and describe why it was picked, but I’ve decided not to do that.  I didn’t want my words to change how you listen to the songs.  Hopefully, I get some feedback because I would like to know what you felt once you are done listening.  Enjoy!