Shades of Sorrow Over North America Tour: Crypta Live @ Bogg’s Social & Supply!
music, Death Metal, Concerthopper, Live Music, Concert Review, metal, thrash', concert, Georgia, Photography, Music, Metal, thrash metal, metal toursH. Xerxes Tzolis2024, crypta, atlanta, georgia, thrash metal, metal, metal tours, concerthopper, concert photography, concert, photography, review, concert review
Speed of the Wizard Tour: Municipal Waste / Toxic Holocaust / Doyle / Haunt
2018, Atlanta, concert, Concert photography, Concert Review, Concerthopper, Concerts, Georgia, Live Music, metal, music, Photography, The Masquerade, thrash metal, thrash, thrash', Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust, Hauntxerxestzolis2018, Speed of the Wizard Tour, Atlanta, The Masquerade, Toxic Holocaust, Haunt, metal, thrash metal, Concert, concert review, Concerthopper, Concert Hopper, Concert Photography, music, Reviews, review, Municipal Waste