Knuckle Puck USA Tour - 11/16/17

Knuckle Puck is an American pop punk band from Chicago, Illinois. The band started out by covering songs in April of 2011. They released a split EP with the UK band Neck Deep. In 2014 the band was signed to Rise Records and they had released their debut album Copacetic. Knuckle Puck had gotten their name from a Stick To Your Guns shirt that had said "Knuckle Puck Crew" on it. The current lineup is Joe Taylor, John Siorek, Ryan Rumchaks, Kevin Maida, and Nick Casasanto.

They are currently on tour with Movements, With Confidence and Homesafe. At this date With Confidence did not play. One of the local bands called Super American from Buffalo, NY played instead. The venue got changed from the Waiting Room in Buffalo, NY to a new night club called Venu in Buffalo, NY. The new venue was very good and bad in way, they were understaffed which caused me and other photographers to keep having to run out of the way so we didn't get hurt by the crowd surfers. But other than that the rest of the bands that performed played their hearts out. Movements came on before Knuckle Puck, they sound like other artists I listen to, I enjoyed their music. Movements were also on Vans Warped Tour 2017. When Knuckle Puck came out the crowd went crazy. The barricade that was holding them back almost tipped over due to the fans' excitement.