Review: Liz Longley- 'New Life'
2025, Album Reviews, ConcerthopperChris GriffyLiz Longley, Americana, Folk, Soul, songwriter, 2025, Concerthopper, album review
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Review: Golden Shoals Rebrands and Finds New Creative Ground on Self-Titled Debut
2020, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris GriffyGolden Shoals, north carolina, Folk, Americana Music, album review, music, review, Concert Hopper, Album Review, Concerthopper
Review: Antsy McClain Makes the Most of Downtime With '15 Songs From Isolation'
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Review: Teddy Thompson Finds Solace in Old Styles on 'Heartbreaker Please'
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Review: Jake Blount Invokes Trickster Gods and Resurrects Forgotten Musical Heroes on 'Spider Tales'
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Review: Satin Nickel Mines Musical and Romantic Duality on 'Shadow of Doubt'
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Review: Jill Andrews Looks Back at Her 'Thirties' With a Poet's Eye
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Review: John Moreland Finds Gentle Evolution on 'LP5'
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Review: Chicago Farmer Weaves Tales of the Residents of 'Flyover Country'
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