Review: Mike Farris- 'The Sound of Muscle Shoals'
2025, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffymike farris, muscle shoals, blues, americana, soul, 2025, concerthopper, new music, music, album review, review
Review: Scorpion Child – I Saw the End As It Passed Right Through Me
2025, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, Review, Scorpion ChildH. Xerxes Tzolis2025, album review, review, Concerthopper, Scorpion Child
Review: Nefesh Mountain- 'Beacons'
2025, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyNefesh Mountain, album review, bluegrass, americana, 2025, Concerthopper, Album Review, new music
Review: Yola- My Way
2025, Yola, Review, Music, Concerthopper, Album ReviewsChris Griffy2025, Concerthopper, album review, review, new music, Yola
Favorite Americana and Roots Albums of 2024
2024, Album Reviews, Best Albums, Classic Country, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyreview, Concerthopper, 2024, album review, Best of 2024, americana, Folk, roots music, music, americana music
Review: Ensiferum - Winter Storm
2024, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris GriffyEnsiferum, Power Metal, Folk Metal, Album Review, 2024, Concerthopper, review, album review, metal
Review: Aaron Lee Tasjan- Stellar Evolution
2024, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyAaaron Lee Tasjan, americana, power pop, Concerthopper, 2024, review, album review
Review, 2024, Concerthopper, MusicHayley Page2024, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, metal
Review: Kitchen Dwellers- 'Seven Devils'
2024, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffybluegrass, americana, kitchen dwellers, album review, 2024, concerthopper, review, new music, music
Favorite Americana and Roots Albums of 2023
2023, Album Reviews, Best Albums, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyAmericana, roots music, album review, best of 2023, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, Best of 2023, 2023
Review Roundup: Colin Cutler and Angra
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyalbum review, Colin Cutler, Angra, Americana, Progressive Metal, Concerthopper, review, 2023
Hiss Golden Messenger Finds Their Happy Place, Sort Of, with 'Jump For Joy'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyHiss Golden Messenger, Americana, Roots Music, album review, 2023, Concerthopper, review, Album Review
Review: Phoebe Hunt Goes It Alone on 'Nothing Else Matters'
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Charlie Faye and the Fanimals Bring Motown to Kids on Self-Titled Debut
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffycharlie faye and the Fanimals, Children's Music, Americana, Motown, 2023, Concerthopper, review, album review, new music, music
Review: Lucinda Williams- 'Stories from a Rock and Roll Heart'
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Review: Christian Lopez- 'Magdalena'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyreview, 2023, Concerthopper, album review, new, new music, music
Carolina Story Journeys Through Pain and Redemption with 'Colors of My Mind'
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Review: Wilder Woods Delves Into Southern Rock and Soul with 'Fever / Sky'
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Review: Iris Dement Chooses the Path of Love in the Face of Hate on 'Workin' on a World'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyIris Dement, Album Review, Americana, Concerthopper, review, album review
H.C. McEntire Invites Presence on Contemplative 'Every Acre'
Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, 2023, MusicChris Griffyh.c. mcentire, americana, album review, review, 2023, concerthopper, new music, music