Review: Mike Farris- 'The Sound of Muscle Shoals'
2025, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffymike farris, muscle shoals, blues, americana, soul, 2025, concerthopper, new music, music, album review, review
Review: Marcus King Gets His Arena Rock Wings With 'Young Blood'
2022, Music, Concerthopper, Album Reviews, ReviewChris GriffyMarcus King, review, album review, music, new music, Concerthopper, 2022, blues, rock, rock and roll
Review Roundup: Javina Magness, Regina Spektor, and Flagship Romance
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyjaniva magness, flagship romance, regina spektor, americana, blues, pop, 2022, review, album review, Concerthopper, music, new music
Review Roundup: Colin Linden and Ana Egge
2021, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffyalbum review, ana egge, colin linden, blues, americana, concerthopper, 2021, review, music, new music
Review: Paul Thorn Turns New Album 'Never Too Late to Call' Into a Family Affair
2021, Album Reviews, Review, Music, ConcerthopperChris Griffypaul thorn, americana, blues, album review, 2021, concerthopper, review, new music, music, Concerthopper, Album Review
Review: Bonnie Whitmore Sings, But Doesn't Shut Up, on Searing 'Last Will and Testament'
2020, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffybonnie whitmore, americana music, album review, blues, 2020, review, music, concerthopper
Review: Mindi Abair and the Boneshakers Blend Rock and Blues on 'No Good Deed'
Album Reviews, Concerthopper, 2019Chris Griffyrock and roll, The Boneshakers, blues, Mindi Abair, saxophone, 2019, Concerthopper, album review
Review: Keb' Mo' Expands What The Blues Can Be on 'Oklahoma'
Review: Nils Lofgren Debuts Long Forgotten Lou Reed Collaborations on 'Blue With Lou'
Review: On new album, Jimbo Mathus puts genre labels into the 'Incinerator'
Concerthopper, 2019, Album ReviewsChris GriffyBorgore, new, album review, Concerthopper, Americana, 2019, New Music, blues