Review: Mike Farris- 'The Sound of Muscle Shoals'
2025, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffymike farris, muscle shoals, blues, americana, soul, 2025, concerthopper, new music, music, album review, review
Favorite Americana and Roots Albums of 2024
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Review, 2024, Concerthopper, MusicHayley Page2024, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, metal
Review: Kitchen Dwellers- 'Seven Devils'
2024, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffybluegrass, americana, kitchen dwellers, album review, 2024, concerthopper, review, new music, music
Review: Phoebe Hunt Goes It Alone on 'Nothing Else Matters'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyPhoebe Hunt, Fiddle, americana, review, album review, Concerthopper, new music, music, 2023
Charlie Faye and the Fanimals Bring Motown to Kids on Self-Titled Debut
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10 Standout Roots and Americana Albums of 2023 So Far
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Review: Christian Lopez- 'Magdalena'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyreview, 2023, Concerthopper, album review, new, new music, music
Review: Wilder Woods Delves Into Southern Rock and Soul with 'Fever / Sky'
2023, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffywilder woods, needtobreathe, americana, album review, concerthopper, review, new music, music, 2023
H.C. McEntire Invites Presence on Contemplative 'Every Acre'
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Favorite Americana Albums of 2022
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Review: Loreena McKennitt 'Under a Winter's Moon'
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyloreena McKennitt, Christmas, celtic, album review, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, new music, music, 2022
Review Roundup: Mightmare and Midnight.Blue
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Sonata Arctica Transform Hits and Deep Cuts on 'Acoustic Adventures Vol. 2'
Review: Marcus King Gets His Arena Rock Wings With 'Young Blood'
2022, Music, Concerthopper, Album Reviews, ReviewChris GriffyMarcus King, review, album review, music, new music, Concerthopper, 2022, blues, rock, rock and roll
Review: John Moreland Finds the Quiet Spaces in a Loud World on 'Birds in the Ceiling'
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Tami Neilson Brings Feminist Ferocity to 'Kingmaker'
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Our 10 Favorite Americana Albums of 2022 So Far
2022, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyamericana, best of 2022, government cheese, molly tuttle, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, 2022
Review Roundup: Javina Magness, Regina Spektor, and Flagship Romance
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyjaniva magness, flagship romance, regina spektor, americana, blues, pop, 2022, review, album review, Concerthopper, music, new music
Review Roundup: Nicki Bluhm and Mary Gauthier
2022, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyamericana music, nicki bluhm, mary gauthier, album review, 2022, review, concerthopper, new music, music