Posts tagged concerthopper
Review: Mike Farris- 'The Sound of Muscle Shoals'
2025, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffymike farris, muscle shoals, blues, americana, soul, 2025, concerthopper, new music, music, album review, review
Review, 2024, Concerthopper, MusicHayley Page2024, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, metal
Review: Kitchen Dwellers- 'Seven Devils'
2024, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffybluegrass, americana, kitchen dwellers, album review, 2024, concerthopper, review, new music, music
Review: Ariel Posen Blurs Genre Lines on 'Reasons Why'
2023, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffyariel posen, roots music, americana music, brothers landreth, concerthopper, new music, album review, review, 2023
10 Standout Roots and Americana Albums of 2023 So Far
2023, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffyamericana, best of 2023, album review, jason isbell and the 400 unit, cinder well, americana music, concerthopper, review, music
Review: Lucinda Williams- 'Stories from a Rock and Roll Heart'
Review, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, 2023, MusicChris Griffy2023, album review, review, new music, concerthopper, lucinda williams, americana music
Carolina Story Journeys Through Pain and Redemption with 'Colors of My Mind'
2023, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffycarolina story, americana, album review, 2023, review, concerthopper, new music
Review: Wilder Woods Delves Into Southern Rock and Soul with 'Fever / Sky'
2023, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffywilder woods, needtobreathe, americana, album review, concerthopper, review, new music, music, 2023
H.C. McEntire Invites Presence on Contemplative 'Every Acre'
Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, 2023, MusicChris Griffyh.c. mcentire, americana, album review, review, 2023, concerthopper, new music, music
Favorite Americana Albums of 2022
Review, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Best Albums, 2022, MusicChris Griffy2022, best of 2022, americana music, americana, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, classic country, bluegrass
Review Roundup: Mightmare and Midnight.Blue
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffymightmare,, americana, jazz, perception records, album review, review, concerthopper, 2022, new music, music
Our 10 Favorite Americana Albums of 2022 So Far
2022, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyamericana, best of 2022, government cheese, molly tuttle, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, 2022
Review Roundup: Nicki Bluhm and Mary Gauthier
2022, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyamericana music, nicki bluhm, mary gauthier, album review, 2022, review, concerthopper, new music, music
Mama's Broke Creates Music With No Concept of Border on 'Narrow Line'
2022, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffymama's broke, americana, roots music, 2022, concerthopper, album review, review, music
Government Cheese Makes a Triumphant Return With 'Love'
2022, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffygovernment cheese, album review, nashville, garage rock, concerthopper, review, 2022
Review: Erin Rae Finds Introspection in Quarantine Isolation on 'Lighten Up'
2022, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffyerin rae, americana, cosmic country, album review, review, concerthopper, new music, music, 2022
Review Roundup: Rainbow Girls, Jason Boland, and Legendary Shack Shakers
2021, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffyamericana, album review, jason boland and the stragglers, rainbow girls, jd wilkes and the legendary shack shakers, concerthopper, review
Review: Hayes Carll- 'You Get It All'
Review, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, 2021, Music, Classic CountryChris Griffyhayes carll, 2021, album review, review, concerthopper, country
Review Roundup: Colin Linden and Ana Egge
2021, Album Reviews, Review, ConcerthopperChris Griffyalbum review, ana egge, colin linden, blues, americana, concerthopper, 2021, review, music, new music
Review: Paul Thorn Turns New Album 'Never Too Late to Call' Into a Family Affair
2021, Album Reviews, Review, Music, ConcerthopperChris Griffypaul thorn, americana, blues, album review, 2021, concerthopper, review, new music, music, Concerthopper, Album Review