Posts tagged Album Review
Review: Nefesh Mountain- 'Beacons'
2025, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyNefesh Mountain, album review, bluegrass, americana, 2025, Concerthopper, Album Review, new music
Review: Ensiferum - Winter Storm
2024, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris GriffyEnsiferum, Power Metal, Folk Metal, Album Review, 2024, Concerthopper, review, album review, metal
Review: Will Kimbrough- For the Life of Me
Album Reviews, 2024, Concerthopper, ReviewChris Griffywill kimbrough, americana, album review, 2024, Concerthopper, review, Album Review
Favorite Americana and Roots Albums of 2023
2023, Album Reviews, Best Albums, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyAmericana, roots music, album review, best of 2023, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, Best of 2023, 2023
Review Roundup: Danny Burns 'Promised Land', Jon Check 'I Am a Well'
Hiss Golden Messenger Finds Their Happy Place, Sort Of, with 'Jump For Joy'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyHiss Golden Messenger, Americana, Roots Music, album review, 2023, Concerthopper, review, Album Review
Review: Iris Dement Chooses the Path of Love in the Face of Hate on 'Workin' on a World'
2023, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris GriffyIris Dement, Album Review, Americana, Concerthopper, review, album review
Jim Brunberg Returns with 'Songs of Stupid Hope', First Studio Output in 15 Years
Album Reviews, 2023, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyjim brunberg, Americana, album review, 2023, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, new music, americana music
Review: Loreena McKennitt 'Under a Winter's Moon'
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyloreena McKennitt, Christmas, celtic, album review, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, new music, music, 2022
Tami Neilson Brings Feminist Ferocity to 'Kingmaker'
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffytami neilson, americana, album review, 2022, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, new music, music
Review: River Whyless Brings Spontaneous Creative Energy to DIY 'Monoflora'
Shovels & Rope Get Intimate, and Topical, on 'Manticore'
2022, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyshovels & rope, americana, album review, Concerthopper, review, Album Review, music, 2022
Review: Willie Nile Battles the Pandemic Blues With Garage Rock Bravado on 'The Day the Earth Stood Still
2021, Album Reviews, ConcerthopperChris Griffywillie nile, Garage Rock, New York, album review, Concerthopper, Album Review, review, music, new music
Review: Paul Thorn Turns New Album 'Never Too Late to Call' Into a Family Affair
2021, Album Reviews, Review, Music, ConcerthopperChris Griffypaul thorn, americana, blues, album review, 2021, concerthopper, review, new music, music, Concerthopper, Album Review
Review: Juni Ata Genre Hops But Retains His Emotional Weight on Debut 'Saudade'
2020, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris GriffyJuni Ata, Power Pop, Americ, Steve Cropper, Debut Album, album review, music, review, Concert Hopper, Album Review, Concerthopper
Review: Golden Shoals Rebrands and Finds New Creative Ground on Self-Titled Debut
2020, Album Reviews, Review, Concerthopper, MusicChris GriffyGolden Shoals, north carolina, Folk, Americana Music, album review, music, review, Concert Hopper, Album Review, Concerthopper
Review: Cinder Well Finds Inspiration in Isolation on 'No Summer'
2020, Album Reviews, Celtic Music, ConcerthopperChris Griffyalbum review, Americana, Irish, Celtic, Appalachian, music, review, Concert Hopper, Album Review, Concerthopper
15 Standout Americana and Roots Music Release of 2020 So Far
2020, Album Reviews, Sawyer Fredericks, Best Albums, ConcerthopperChris Griffybest of 2020, sarah jarosz, jason isbell, Sawyer Fredericks, nate lee, Secret Emchy Society, Tami Neilson, album review, music, review, Concert Hopper, Album Review, Concerthopper, classic country, Americana Music
Review: John Hartford Gets Fitting, and Jam Heavy, Adoration with 'On the Road: A Tribute to John Hartford'
2020, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, MusicChris Griffyalbum review, John Hartford, Tribute Album, Sam Bush, bluegrass, music, review, Concert Hopper, Album Review, Concerthopper, Yonder Mountain String Band
Review: Grayson Capps Has Wife and Longtime Producer Pick Songs for Retrospective 'South Front Street'
2020, Album Reviews, Concerthopper, Music, ReviewChris Griffyalbum review, Americana, Grayson Capps, Gulf Shores, New Orleans, music, review, Album Review, Concert Hopper, Concerthopper