Review: Liz Longley- 'New Life'
2025, Album Reviews, ConcerthopperChris GriffyLiz Longley, Americana, Folk, Soul, songwriter, 2025, Concerthopper, album review
Review: Marcus King Serves Up Old School Southern Rock and Soul on 'El Dorado'
2020, Album Reviews, Nashville, Concerthopper, MusicChris GriffyAmericana Music, Southern Rock, M, Marcus King, Dan Auerbach, album review, review, music, Soul, Album Review, Concert Hopper, nashville, Concerthopper
20 Standout Americana and Roots Albums From 2019, Part 2
Album Reviews, 2019, Concerthopper, Music, Nashville, ReviewChris GriffyAmericana Music, Roots Music, Yola, Che Apalache, Sturgill Simpson, Joanie and Matt, Best of 2019, 2019, album review, review, music, Soul, Album Review, Concert Hopper, Appalachian, nashville, Best of, Concerthopper, Bluegrass, rock and roll
Review: Yola Takes a 'Walk Through Fire' on Dan Auerbach Produced Debut
Concerthopper, 2019, Album Reviews, ReviewChris GriffyYola, Soul, Americanafest, Concerthopper, Americana Music Festival, Americana Music, Album Review, 2019